If you knock on 10 doors in any given neighborhood, chances are that more than half of the houses will have a pet inside. And how can we blame people for making an animal friend when they are sources of comfort and unconditional love? Yes, they do shed quite a bit in more cases and they do require to be walked, but these are small prices to pay for their companionship. And these 18 photos show exactly how these creatures and people create unbreakable bonds.
1. “The dog gets upset when she’s away from the baby for too long.”

2. Good morning everyone!! Do you need a baby sitter?? Am here today.

3. Best friends in the making

4. “We just had a new baby 2 weeks ago. My dog has decided that she is his and stays as close as he can to her at all times.”

5. My mom meeting her dream kitten for the first time today!

6. Some things never change.

7. My girl turned 9 today.

8. “My mom and the dog she didn’t want.”

9. Today we welcomed Sir Winston MoosAlot to the family!

10. He’s been my comfort from the beginning to the end.

11. My cat ripped open his favorite toy. This is my grandma sewing it back together.

12. “Dog refuses to get out of bed then proceeds to fall asleep looking after baby.”

13. I’ve never had a goose before. Hard to imagine life without one now. Meet Joslin’ the goslin’!

14. Find someone who looks at you like this cat looks at his human.

15. “My mom’s dog likes to sit next to her on the couch sitting up like a human.”

16. Had trouble finding the cat, gave up, then checked on my daughter…

17. Did you say dinner is ready?

18. “This is how my wife and our cat sleep every night.”

Pets can offer us all kinds of situations. From being very cozy to hilarious moments to super frustrating occurrences. The main fact though remains the same and it’s that pets make our lives better.
Preview photo credit StillStonez / Reddit, Suinyuy2014 / Reddit